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Endiprev lands on two Offshore Wind Farms

In the dynamic world of renewable energy, we have embarked on groundbreaking projects, showcasing our expertise in offshore wind farm installations.

The offshore wind industry stands as one of the fastest-growing sectors, and Endiprev has been an integral part of it since day one. We have undertaken crucial offshore and onshore projects in Europe, America, and Asia. This has enabled us to accumulate the knowledge and skills needed to deliver our work with as much precision and detail. In particular, one of our most remarkable projects was the installation and commissioning of the Block Island Wind Farm. This was the first commercial offshore project in the US. As proof of our commitment, we continue, to this day, to be the company responsible for the maintenance of these turbines.

More importantly, being able to support GE in the Haliade-X Prototype development has also equipped us with the necessary expertise and efficiency. This has assured us as the right partner for our customer, for the installation of the Dogger Bank and the Vineyard wind farms, since this is the chosen model for both projects.

Dogger Bank Offshore Wind Farm

Our journey in July took us to the Dogger Bank Wind Farm, the largest offshore wind farm in the world. It is being constructed in three phases, with phase A currently in progress. Once fully operational, this wind farm is expected to feature a total of 277 Haliade X wind turbines. Each of these is capable of generating an impressive 13 to 14 MW of power, providing electricity to up to 6 million homes annually.

On-site, 30 Endiprev technicians are performing several tasks, from mechanical and electrical work to commissioning and troubleshooting. Their presence is responsible for ensuring the rigorous integration of these turbines into the wind farm’s infrastructure. Additionally, our supervisors are also overseeing the operations, adding an extra layer of quality to the project. Being awarded this project is a major step for Endiprev UK, paving the way for future offshore projects.

Last October marked the official start of electricity production! With the turning of the first wind turbine, we are initiating a meaningful contribution to the UK’s ongoing energy transition.

Vineyard Offshore Wind Farm

Across the Atlantic, Endiprev US is leaving its mark on the Vineyard Wind Farm. This is the first large-scale offshore project in the US. Nestled off the coast of Massachusetts, this wind farm boasts 62 GE’s Haliade-X wind turbines. The energy generated by this technology is equivalent to the annual consumption of 400,000 homes.

Our involvement at the Vineyard Wind Farm is multifaceted, with 72 technicians currently on-site. And this number could increase up to 120. Their responsibilities span commissioning, mechanical and electrical work, and high-voltage tasks. Surely, this is a great responsibility for our team, as we strive each day to contribute to the ongoing history of renewable energy in the country. The Block Island project, being our departure point, marks a notable milestone in our journey.

Offshore wind farms present unique challenges, from the harsh conditions of the open sea to the intricate interplay of complex systems within each wind turbine. Our recent endeavors at these two offshore giants exemplify our dedication to advancing the global transition to clean energy. And as they continue to harness the power of wind, we stand side by side with our customers.