Health & Safety at Endiprev

Health & Safety as one of our top priorities
Endiprev’s commitment to Occupational Health & Safety is integrated into every aspect of our work and services, ensuring the well-being of our employees and all that comes in contact with our work. Equally important, we are dedicated to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment and promoting a safety culture within the organization, aiming for continuous improvement in our workplace.
In our company, we go beyond market standards, law, and regulatory requirements. Indeed, we use our certified integrated management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and ISO 14001) as a backbone. At the same time, we prioritize the continuous improvement of processes and work methods to achieve the best performance in operations and practices to achieve our zero-accidents goal.
Our 7 Safe Steps towards a safety-first approach
We ensure Risk Assessment in all works and activities, with constant feedback and revision of procedures and policies to improve our workplaces’ safety and mitigate risks.
We have in place a Stop Work policy, empowering our employees to stop a task whenever someone does not feel safe. This policy helps to prevent accidents and creates a chance for improvement.
We have established direct, user-friendly reporting channels integrated into our management software. This allows incidents to be quickly reported and thoroughly investigated. This way, corrective and preventive measures are implemented right away.
In our work, PPE is of paramount importance. Therefore, we have in place measures and systems to make the PPE inspection process easier and prevent the use of PPE without inspection. Ultimately, this provides the best conditions and a safe workplace.
Endiprev promotes safe driving awareness in a continued way, through webinars or disclosing safety information about safe driving. As we like to encourage this safety culture, we often promote the best practices and performance behind the wheel with our best driver awards.
The physical and mental health of our employees are crucial for us. We understand the toll our work can have on our employees. That is why we make sure that they have access to medical check exams and health programs. This allows to conduct preventive campaigns and actions to improve health and well-being.
The environment has an effect on our health and safety. Our waste and chemical management procedures, aligned with our resources and energy consumption policies ensure constant monitoring and efficient control of environmental hazards and risks.
Safety Culture
Safety is in our core values. Through our ENDICARE initiatives, we promote and are committed to a Safety Culture where everyone returns home safely.