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Endiprev USA begins working on Cypress technology

Endiprev has been working on the commissioning of the GE Cypress technology in New York, United States.

Endiprev Portugal has already commissioned a fair amount of Cypress Wind Turbines across several wind farms in Europe. Now, Endiprev USA also debuted working with this technology. The team is performing the commissioning works of GE Cypress 5.8MW wind turbines.

We started working on the commissioning of 31 wind turbines at the Eight Point Wind Farm, in New York, around September. We will be there until the end of the year. These Cypress models are expected to have a maximum capacity of 101.8MW. That means it will produce 340,000MWh of electricity, enough to power 46,500 households. In fact, the Cypress wind turbine is the most powerful onshore wind turbine of GE Renewable Energy. There are some projections that point out this technology as GE’s predominant onshore wind turbine for the upcoming years.

Being a global partner on commissioning projects for GE Renewable Energy, it is crucial for us to work on these projects in the US. Especially, when it comes to new technology, such as the Cypress wind turbines. That shows the trust the wind turbine manufacturer lays in us and the commitment of our teams in the US. When we started our BIM (Break in Maintenance) activities in Finland, Sweden, and Norway, we had several American colleagues join our European teams to learn more about this technology.